

Compounding of Contraventions under FEMA 1999


5.1. An Application for compounding of a contravention under FEMA may be submitted to the Compounding Authority (CA) either on being advised of a contravention under FEMA either through a memorandum or suo moto on being made or becoming aware of the contravention. The format of the application is appended to the Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings)  Rules.

5.2. Application for compounding any contravention in prescribed form together with a copy of the memorandum, wherever applicable, with the prescribed fee [(as given in the Foreign Exchange (Compounding Proceedings) Rules, 2000]) has to be submitted with relevant facts and supporting documents to : The Compounding Authority, [Cell for Effective implementation of FEMA (CEFA)], Foreign Exchange Department,        110th Floor, Central Office BuildingOffice Building, S. B. Singh Road, Fort, Mumbai- 400001.

5.3.     On receipt of the application for compounding, the proceedings would be concluded and order issued by the Compounding Authority within 180 days from the date of the receipt of the application for compounding.

5.4.     The sum for which the contravention has been compounded shall be paid within fifteen days from the date of the order of compounding.

5.5.     The payment towards Application fee and the sum for which contravention has been compounded shall be paid by demand draft in favour of the Compounding Authority i.ei.e. “ Reserve Bank of India” and payable at Mumbai.

 6. The process and procedures for Compounding under the revised Compounding Rules may be reviewed after six months.